Clive Billiald

Clive Billiald

Chief Executive

Clive's career has centred on the leadership and delivery of complex programmes within the engineering, technology and construction sectors. His experiences include acting as the asset owner for multi-billion € portfolios, completion of first-of-a-kind engineering and construction projects, and the transformation and reform of national-level organisations responsible for programme planning and management.

Clive has worked in both industry and central government, including in strategy, policy and diplomatic roles. While based in the UK, much of his career has been spent living in or working with other countries, including the European Union and member states, the USA and Australia, amongst others.

Clive is motivated by a desire to help improve the performance of the engineering and construction sector globally - a sector which provides the very foundations for so much of what human-kind can accomplish.

Clive is a Chartered Engineer with a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College in London.